2019-04-20, Spring #2, 80 m Classic
Carolina North Forest - East

Island Creative Time
The family website of Kelly and Patrick Sears

It was another cool and beautiful day for running in the woods. How did we get so lucky? We had three families participate: four students and three family members.

If you find a mistake or need some information changed, please let me know [ patrick (dot) r (dot) sears [at] gmail (dot) com ].

The course.

This 80m classic was a bit longer than the last event. Course distances were 2.2 km for the yellow course and 3.8 km for the red course. There were two tricky controls. Fox 2 was to the east of the lake where we had never put one before. Fox 3 had deep erosion gullies and downed trees on three sides and thick bushes on the fourth (north) side. The longest distance across the course area was 1.7 km. Radial exclusions zones for foxes, the start, and the homing beacon were all 300 m.

Participant Activities

Toby and Jason had good runs, finishing the red course in just over an hour. Super!

John and Mike went as a group and also found all the red course foxes in just over an hour. This was only their second time out. Fantastic!

Malcolm, Theo, and Peter were trying ARDF for the first time. They went out with Patrick to find fox 1. After Theo spotted it, they went off by themselves. They also found fox-5, this time Malcolm getting the final spot. Excellent!

Results summary

The cts-evpro find order and time for each control can be found here.

#participants (school, grade)findstime
Red course.
- Toby (SMS-8) 1 2 3 4 5 H 73'59"
- Jason (f) 1 2 3 4 5 H 74'00"
- John (SMS-6), Mike (f) 1 2 3 4 5 H 78'10"
Yellow course.
- Malcolm (SMS-8), Theo (es), Peter (f) 1 5 H 102'29"

Within each course, individual students are listed first. Then all together, groups and individual adults. These include students, family members, and teachers/staff. After that, entries are listed by the number of foxes found and then by the time on course. The # column is just blank for now. The finds column notes the controls found: foxes 1 through 5 and H for the homing beacon. Foxes numbers in parentheses were not on the chosen course. The time column is the time on course. Students are listed with their school and grade. We use the following schools abbreviations: PMS Phillips MS, SMS Smith MS, McDMS McDougle MS, CMS Culbreth MS, CHHS Chapel Hill HS, ECHHS East Chapel Hill HS, CaHS Carrboro HS, f family or guest friend, es elementary school, s chccs student (no school info). t teachers and staff members.

Thank you to all our helpers.

Thanks to all the middle school and high school teachers and staff who helped get the word out to the students: Rachel Hopler (Science Teacher, Culbreth Middle School), Christine Lippy (Science Teacher, McDougle Middle School), Al McArthur (Technology Facilitator, Phillips Middle School), Haley Wamble (Science Teacher, East Chapel Hill High School), SaCola Lehr (Media Specialist, Chapel Hill High School), Libby Diesel (Library Assistant, Chapel Hill High School), Femi Jayeola (Librarian, Carrboro High School), Margaret Devetski (Library Assistant, Carrboro High School). Thanks to Dave Waller for mapping Carolina North Forest and to the Backwoods Orienteering Klub for the use of the maps. Thanks to Greg Kopsch (Park Manager at Carolina North Forest) for the use of CNF.


Clicking pictures will bring up original full-sized versions. All participants are listed as seen in the picture from left to right. Pictures are generally listed in chronological order trying to keep groups together. If you took any pictures during the event, we would love to post them. Just send us an email.

Thanks to Jason Reed for pictures marked [1].

Base camp and start.

These were at the our main meeting area or at the start just 30 m away on the main trail.

Toby, Jason (behind), Patrick Toby is ready to go on course. Jason and Patrick are inspecting the RFID card writer on the demo control.

John, Mike. They have all their equipment and are about to go on course.

Mike, John. At the start area. They are waiting for the starter box to give the start beep. Then it will be off to find the foxes.

Kelly, Theo, Peter, Malcolm. At the base table, getting their equipment.

Malcolm, Peter, Patrick, Theo. Talking about orienteering, fox timing, and direction finding techniques.

On course.

Toby. Running to fox 4. [1]

Toby at fox 4. What's this under the flag? The Easter Bunny left something! [1]

Toby listening for fox 3. Check out that broken tree in the background. We can't be sure it just came down during the strong winds last night, but this morning there were definitely more downed trees than usual. [1]

Peter, Malcolm, Theo. They are heading north on the main trail. As they approach fox 1, they will head off trail angling slightly to the east of north.

Malcolm, Peter, Theo. They just found fox 1. Excellent!

The finish.

Jason, Toby. They just got back from their run.

John, Mike. Heading for the homing beacon.

John, Mike. Running down the finish shoot.

John. Throttle fully open as he sprints to the finish.

John. Scanning his RFID card on the finish box.

Malcolm heading for the homing beacon.

Theo heading for the homing beacon.

Malcolm heading down the finish shoot.

Setup and pickup.

These were all taken before the start or after everyone had gone.

Kelly. We just finished setting up our main base area. Time for a bit of a rest before participants arrive.

A pretty lily spotted during pickup.

Another pretty flower from our pickup run.

Kelly, winding one of the antenna radial sets. We're picking up our last fox, fox #3. It's 4:20 PM and we started to feel a few rain drops. Ho, no! Quick! Quick! Will we make it to the car before it pours? But it was just a little cloud teasing us before moving on ☺

CTS Evpro Results.

Back to results summay.

The cts-evpro results are listed here mostly as they appeared during the event. There were two miss-reads that were added manually, marked with a *, and with some estimated time data. ToC is the time on course.

The Evpro software was updated to show splits and time ellapsed since punching the previous control:

Red course.

Yellow course.

Back to results summay.

All the pictures we took are free to use as you wish. The web page (text and layout) is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Link to License. This means that you can copy anything you want, use it and alter it as you want, as long as you give credit to us for the original work, provide a link to the license, and explain any changes you made. We try to make sure all other content we display is also available to use. But check the sources we list before using them.