CTS Evpro Live

The CTS software for laptop at download station.

It records downloads and displays results.
Project location:
main_mseal/2019/ipro/ electronics--cts_course_timing_system/0317v17b--cts_software_on_pc_cts_evpro
Currently for version 001h.

Back to main doc.


Time handling.

Variables created from reading the config file:
- timezone           int, seconds
- coco_rtc_adj       int, seconds

- class rcardrec:
    prec[]           the punch records, punchrec objects
    tzone_dt         timedelta object

- class punchrec:
  raw_t_s            str, seconds, no adjustment
  t_dto              datetime object, adjusted
  t_adj_td           timedelta object   ***
  tzone_dt           timedelta object   ***
  t_dtoloc           datetime object, local time
  split_td           timedelta object, time splits
  tbc_td             timedelta object, time between controls

*** Note how one has suffix _td while the other has
    suffix _dt.  This is an naming error to be fixed in
    the future.

Sequence of time handling events.
- startup - config file is read.
  - The following get set:
    - timezone       int, seconds
    - coco_rtc_adj   int, seconds
- startup
  - The following get set:
    - tdzone         timedelta
      - set from timezone
    - rrec[] array declared
      - rrec[] will hold the rcard records.
- Enter the main loop.
  - All after this happens in loop.
- All below happens every time reprocess is
  set to True by a change in the group list
  or the addition of a new rcard record.
- rrec[] is re-initiated with no data.
- Start reading the grouplist file.
  - new rrec objects are added with the
    following set:
    - rrec[i].cc_id   = coco_id
    - rrec[i].cc_name = coco_name
    - rrec[i].uid_s   = f1_uid
    - rrec[i].grp
    - rrec[i].crs
  - Note that the timzone is not set yet.
- Start reading the esm_data.
  - Each file read will only affect one
  - The data for all the punch records will
    be set in rrec[j] with a single call:
      rrec[j].reset_rec_lists(esm_data.cc, esm_data.ct)
    - First the name of each cc will be searched
      and found.
    - Then inside the rcardrec object rrec[j], for
      each punch record, there will be a call to
      self.add_rec(...) with these data:
    - That call will set the following in
      - raw_cc_s = raw_cc
      - raw_t_s  = raw_t      a string, seconds
      - cc_name  = name
    - Still no timezone or adjustment data
      have been set.
- Then the following are called for every rrec:
    - rrec[i].pro_set_j_adj()
    - rrec[i].pro()
  - rcardrec::pro_set_j_adj()
    - Sets the t_adj_dt for every prec.
  - rcardrec::pro()
    - For each prec:
      - prec[i].tzone_dt = tzone_dt
      - prec[i].pro() is called
        - Sets the following:
          - t_dto        - Uses raw_t_s + t_adj_dt
          - t_dtoloc     - Uses t_dto + tzone_dt
      - prec[i].pro2(...) is called
        - pro2 params are:  punfirst punprev
        - Sets the following:
          - split_td    - Uses t_dto - punfirst.t_dto
          - tbc_td      - Uses t_dto - punprev.t_dto
      - td is calculated from two prec[].t_dto data
        and that is used to set rcardrec::toc
- Then the data are saved by calling:
  - save_data_1()     saves the text datum files
  - save_data_2()     saves the html display file
    - To get time data, inside the punchrec class,
      calls are made to functions
      - gs_t_loc()   formats:  t_dtoloc
      - gs_split()   formats:  split_td
      - gs_tbc()     formats:  tbc_td
    - These "gs_" functions all "get strings".

The 001h README.

********************** even more out of date than before **********************

********************** OUT of DATE **********************

Procedure for testing wihout esm:

Each of the following commands should be
done in a separate terminal.

- Start g01 master by doing ./aa 1
- Start g10 esm by doing ./aa 10
  - If doing a sim, see sim section below.
- Start g20 pro by doing ./aa 20
- Open data00/group.list
- Do alterations and saves while 
  monitoring the running programs.
- Open z-current_display.txt with gedit.
  It's the latest version of
  Reload it when needed.
- ...
- When done, close the programs with ctrl-c.

- Doing a sim.
  - Instead of doing ./aa 10...
  - Open the sim input file.
  - After every alteration in the file,
    do ./aa 11.
    - This will simulate the esm prog reading
      new data coming via the serial port.


Manually change group.list.
Then, after every change, do 
to copy it to a file


esm:  event serial monitor

Takes the serial monitor input from the master control box
and creates a raw data files.

- Every new piece of data coming from the serial
  line causes it to write a new file "data22/g####a".
- When it's done writing the file, it closes it
  and moves
    data22/g0000a  ->  data22/g####b
  This means that the data are not available to the
  next program until after the file is completely


Reads files
It reads new files as they appear.

The last of these files contains the latest
UID/group/course info.  Only the last file 
is important.

Reads files
It reads new files as they appear.

Every file is important.
Some later files may supersede info from earlier files.

From the data it read, it creates the following:
    main.data             for debugging and post-event use

Information flow through scripts.

- fname_fc          data0_manual_input/c1.config
  - All read this so don't list it in script inputs.
- fname_group_list  data0_manual_input/c2_group.list

- inputs:
  - fname_group_list
- outputs:
  - dir_master_work/f<####>b
    - This is simply a copy of fname_group_list.

- inputs:
  - serial data
- outputs:
  - dir_esm_work/g<####>b

- inputs:
  - dir_master_work/f<####>b
  - dir_esm_work/g<####>b
- outputs:
  - fname_pro_main
  - dir_pro_work/h<####>b
  - fname_current_display