For comments, suggestions, and questions; please contact frontal[dot]harvest[dot]25[at]gmail[dot]com.
It's been a crazy three weeks since the last news entry. We recorded two more podcasts (only one is uploaded). We've had two CHCCS ARDF events. We did some antenna experiments with new tuners we got from Charles Scharlau. We helped with registration and control pickup at an o-meet. We visited Isaac in Augusta, GA. We got the course timing system deployed at one of our ARDF events for the first time. We got 2 m transmitters deployed at one of our ARDF events for the first time. We started using a larger ARDF course, and larger maps. We finished building our new control flags (30x30 cm instead of 15x15cm). We have a new blog entry for showing what equipment is used during our events and we have updates going the the 80 m transmitter web page.
Crazy, crazy.
And it continues...
We have a CHCCS ARDF event this Saturday. And the next weekend, we have our first BOK ARDF (Sat) and an o-meet (Sun). The following three weekends: o-meet, maybe an extra chccs event, and our second BOK ARDF (Sat) and a BOK o-meet (Sun).
It all ends Jun-4. After that, there is nothing planned until July. And Bear Island! Yippiieee!
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