The IslandCT podcast is a podcast about science, nature, technology, and education hosted by Kelly L. Sears and Patrick R. Sears. It is published every other week and was started in January 2015.
The show topics covers most of the topics discussed in order. The show title denotes only one of the topics discussed; its meant to act as a mental peg rather than a description of the podcast content. See the the podcast minutes web page for a more detailed time-stamped list of topics. Be warned, it's a bit messy.
We have mostly completed migrating the podcasts from our older server. Some of the topic lists are incomplete or missing but all the podcasts that will be migrated are here.
For comments, suggestions, and questions; please contact frontal[dot]harvest[dot]25[at]gmail[dot]com.
Recorded 2016-01-01. Duration 73'. Topics: Just completed our first year with podcast and blog. We were a way a bit at Canann Valley, WV. Using rsync and ssh for updating IslandCT website. Kelly's blog entry, drones. Registering with the FAA. Human impact on ecosystems and when it began. Changes in phytoplankton communities (Science 2015-12-18). Looking at long-lived corals to see what was happening to phytoplankton above. Carbon tracking and the Paris global climate change talks. Muscular distrophy. Breakthoughs of the year. Looking at 20,000 genes in the human genome, turning them on one at a time with CRISPR, to look for cancer drug resistance. Using defective Cas9 to affect gene regulation. Psychology; reproducing previous studies. Psychology experiments using pre-published methods and publishing of results regardless of outcomme. Deep mantle plumes. Using yeast to synthesize opiates. Manimulating biochemical pathways. Quantum entanglement. Collapse of property due to measurement. Review of IslandCT blog and podcast topics. Use of GPS. Pat building, building, building, failure, failure, failure, success. Trying things that are new. Pat's favorites in the podcasts. Dicer. Measles. Opah. Loki. Whole-body endothermy in fish. Expecting report on LED lights from Kelly.
Recorded 2016-01-16. Duration 66'. Topics: Pat's blog, Seneca Rocks trip. Kelly's blog, vision and light after cataract surgery. Zika virus. Iraq, drought, dams, and salt water. Primary grasslands versus grasslands created by deforestation. 45,000 years ago, humans in arctic. Evolutionary history of anti-evolution legislation. Clinical trial disaster. Bacteria coated with light collecting nanoparticles. Perovskite solar cells.
Recorded 2016-01-27. Duration 68'. Topics: Pat's blog, update on building of 'by-module' version of ARDF 80 m transmitter. Kelly's blog, hawk moths. Shell trade and decreasing clam populations. Phytoplankton, measuring photosynthesis, and the three fates of absorbed photons. Sea bird die-offs in Alaska. Pikas moving to higher altitudes and problems dealing with lower oxygen levels. Early presence of humans in the arctic. Mammoth from 45,000 years ago found. Updating Koch's postulates for the modern understanding of disease. Ebola resurfacing. Planet "X".
Recorded 2016-02-16?. Duration 85'. Topics: Origins of mitochondria and eukaryotes. Archaea, bacteria, and syntrophy in marine sediments. Greenland ice sheets. Effects of land water on the rate of sea level change. Ozone hole over the arctice in spring. EarthByte program; modelling of plate tectonics over finer time scales. Effects of climate cycles on mid-ocean ridges. First direct detection of gravitational waves. Death of Ian Murdock. ARDF 80 m transmitter: first three version-1 transmitters built.
Recorded 2016-02-27. Duration 77'. Topics: Kelly's blog, gravitational waves. James Webb Space Telescope. Microscopy snail that "flies" under water. Amphibian killing fungus. 3D organ printing; human trials being designed. UK allowing human-animal chimeras. Pocket DNA sequencers. Mitochondrial genomes and evolution. Cockroach, wasp, and bumblebee structural components built to withstand crushing and battering. Linux Voice: Raspberry Pi art-drawing robot to teach code to kids. Khan Academy. Bash history; inserting a space in front of dangerous commands. 3D modeling using OpenSCAD.
Recorded 2016-03-08. Duration 85'. Topics: Kelly's blog: elodea, student labs, bromothymol blue, seeing O2 bubbles form. CO2 generator using yeast. Coral dissolving in fish tank with acid addition. Arctic shipworms, archeology and wooden shipwrecks. Plants exuding sticky secretions to create armor made of sand. Corpse flower cousin with a coconut smell. Rewilding orangutans resulting in hybrids. Astronaut Scott Kelly and twin. Oxford Nanopore being sued over patent infringement. Zika virus news. iPS cells used to determine which cell types the virus infects. Long term effects of ebola infection. ZMAP antibody therapy trial. Fukushima, 2011. Evacuees returning home and questioning safety. Ten meter tall water barrels holding water contaminated with tritium. Plans to decrease water use; using pipes for freeze ground around plant. Robots of different types used to explore the plant. US military robots used. Muons used to measure density to detect where uranium is. Student led project using dosimeters. Students from Fukushima High School and other Japanese schools; also from France, Poland, Belarus. Drilling in the Chixulub crater peak ring. The mechanism for peak ring formation. Previous Pemex drill sites in crater; looking for oil; finding quartz crystals. Attention to iridium layer around entire world in 1980. Considering evolutionary paths of species in conservation. Park in Croatia: Plitvice Lakes National Park. Tap water, chlorine, distribution pipe quality. Taking school kids to local water treatment plant. Cholera, typhoid. Water distribution systems in the US, UK, Germany, and Netherlands. The cost of water. The 3% rule for % of total economic activity spent on research and development. Accelerators getting upgrades in US. Accelerators in Sweden, Grenoble (France). One application to investigate reaction mechanisms. GNU Make (Linux Voice article).
Recorded 2016-03-26. Duration 48'. Topics: Using old Samson microphone and recording in Augusta, GA. Guest Isaac J. Sears (our son) is present. CERN; there may be a new particle discovered, heavier than Higgs. New Horizons, Pluto. Wine making and climate change. Wild relatives of crop plants; gene banks. Fungal diversity. Bacterium that degrades plastic. The tuft cells of the intestine, the immune response to parasitic infections, IL-25, food allergies. Forensics: false convictions from use of DNA evidence, the Amanda Knox case. Forensics: tracking down the source of materials used to create nuclear explosions, glass from nuclear explosions, Discrete Occulus. Cryptocurrencies (especially BitCoin) used to launder money, new tools to catch criminals, associating IP addresses to transactions. Our first use of the new 80m ARDF transmitters at the Smith Middle School Enrichment Club (Pat's blog entry 65). Isaac talks about using SSH to work on his home computer from a laptop at a coffee shop, about router configuration, and about more complicated systems to work remotely. Changes to next year's Smith Middle School Maker Space (Kelly's blog entry 64).
Recorded 2016-04-16. Duration 70'. Topics: A synthetic minimal bacterial genome. CRISPR in mushrooms. Parasitic worms, Crohn's disease, and pregnancy. The yellow fever outbreak in South West Africa and yellow fever vaccines. A project to study the development of Viking culture. An early Bronze Age battle in Northern Europe. Synthesizing pharmaceuticals by continuous flow methods (as opposed to batch methods). TriLUG (Triangle Linux Users Group) meeting about constructing a 3D printer. Reproducing 3D printer source code from the sound the printer makes; industrial espionage. ARDF The student lead Donor's Choose drone building project at Smith Middle School.
Recorded 2016-04-25. Duration 58'. Topics: Refugees in Europe and health challenges. Migrants in Calais. Weather balloon data; TEMP and BUFR formats. Dutch push to have Europe make all scientific publications open access (OA). Baby titanosaur, crocodile fossils. Kelly's blog: School lab doing E Coli transformations, GFP. Patrick's blog: Studying and doing stuff coming before writing about it in blog. Building on hold to make time to prepare and run ARDF events. The first ARDF demo. Actually, not all building has stopped.
Recorded 2016-05-08. Duration 53'. Topics: Poisonous moths, bats, and warning clicks. CRISPR at an annual scientific meeting. The Kepler telescope, microlensing, and the search for exoplanets. Drilling the Chicxulub Crater (Yucatan) peak ring. Iran's heavy water sale to US. The Sphero Heroes student led project on Donors Choose. Our first ARDF full-course. The Bear Island school camping trip.
Recorded 2016-05-21. Duration 54'. Topics: Venus flytrap. Climate change and bird migration, vultures, red knots and their beak sizes. Intraflagellar transport, Chlamydomonas, microtubules, dynein and kinesin. New antibiotics, macrolides, antibiotics synthesized from modules. Dealing with antibiotic resistance. Fukushima, new findings that it may have been much worse because of spent fuel storage. Spent nuclear fuel storage. Kelly's blog, using the 80m receivers for the next ARDF meet. Building more 80m transmitters, better enclosures for current transmitters, fixing antennas, building woes. Coming May-28 ARDF open to all middle schools for first time.
Recorded 2016-06-04. Duration 63'. Topics: Peppered moths, Plant that accumulates salt to stop from freezing. India, GM mustard. Rattle snakes, gasoline, environmental effects. Coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. Cancer fears from cell phones and rat experiments. Nanotechnology in the design batteries and researcher Yi Cui. Silicon and lithium as anode materials. Swelling and cracking of the anode during charging. CRISPR, matching phenotypes to specific genes by using CRISPR to force recombination in particular regions. Short education articles: making mistakes to learn and inclusion in school gifted programs. AI, Support Vector Machines (Linux Voice 28). Science, May-28 issue on urbanization. Air pollution on London and Beijing, measures to decrease pollution, restricting driving, particle pollution from diesel. Current work, blog entries, and plans... Building more transmitters. Fast setup for development of 2m transmitter because of module re-use. Problems with 2m signal from Si5351. Kelly's blog entry about setting up ARDF events. Loosing eyeglasses in forest leaves. Plans for after-school ARDF club activities. Making contacts at the local schools for ARDF.
Recorded on 2016-06-15.
Duration: 61'.
Coral bleaching and variation in algae associated with corals - (coral article link).
Surviving climate change.
Australia's Great Barrier Reef.
Heat resistant algae genes.
Vaccinating seals - (seal article link).
The Hawaiian monk seal.
Phocine distemper virus (PDV).
Vaccinating using a long pole.
Need 80% vaccination to stop the virus.
Gray squirrels introduced along with a virus.
Indigenous red squirrels affected.
CRISPR - mBio (American Society for Microbiology) May-June 2016 (link to artile, Chenar, Wirth, Suttle, etal.).
General explanation of CRISPR in bacteria.
Cyanobacteria, nitrogen fixation, symbiotic relationships.
Nostoc cyanobacteria (Nostoc genus on Wikipedia).
Horizontal gene transfer.
A virus bringing along CRISPR to protect the next host from viruses until it's done growing in it.
Polymerase B, proteobacteria.
Hobbit ancestors, Homo floresiensis, new site from 700,000 years ago discovered (article link from AAAS Science).
Mata Menge cave.
H floresiensis there 20% smaller than at earlier finds.
Pigmy elephant.
Island dwarfing.
AAAS Science, Jun-3, news - telescope (article link).
Jupiter, haze, ammonia.
VLA telescope.
Wavelengths blocked by magnetic belts and poles not visible from earth.
Probe "Juno" going to Jupiter.
Will have a very elliptical orbit when it gets there.
Repeated passes over poles, passing below magnetic belts.
Waves with super hot (water and ammonia) and cooler (low water and ammonia).
Earlier probe dropping in cooler area.
Finding out where Jupiter formed.
If formed in cold place, it migrated in toward the Sun.
Trapping volatiles.
AAAS Science, Jun-10 - carbon storage (article link).
Scientists in Iceland.
Forcing CO2 underground into igneous rock.
Testing for carbon storage.
AAAS Science, Jun-10 - gene therapy for cancer (article link).
T-cells and immunogenic cancer mutations.
Failure of T-cell activation.
Took tumor samples from patients with melanoma.
Gene analysis.
Altered dendritic cells with peptides coding for MHC sequence.
Dendritic cells and T-cells co-cultured to test activation of the T-cells.
What we've been up to.
ARDF - Made contact with all the schools.
The perfect time to contact teachers is at the end of the school year.
We're ready for the fall.
Kelly planning changes for the school maker space in the fall.
Brian Coleman doing ARDF work for kids.
Our 80m transmitters. We have 8 so far.
Failure in getting 2m going.
Si5351 problems above 110 to 120 MHz.
Si5351 libraries.
TriLUG meeting - Maniacal labs (Maniacal Labs).
8 foot LED tetris games.
Selling controllers for RGB LED strips.
Christmas tech choices.
Recorded on 2016-07-02. Duration: 49'.
Still using old microphone.
Mars - unique sand ripples found.
Jun-30, Science, news section (link to article).
Science, Jun-17 (link to article).
LIGO detected a second gravitational wave event on Dec-26.
Compared to first detection.
How do they know the angle?
Comparing gravitational wave discovery to the discovery of the cell.
Refitting LIGO, design sensitivity.
The Principia Mission - Linux Voice 18, May (not July), p.28 (LV-18).
Tim Peake (astronaught from the UK), students writting code for a RaspberryPi with a sense shield, to be sent to the ISS.
Student projects: Watchdog, Flags, Spacecraft.
July-1, Science. Book review.
George Woodwell.
Science, Jun-17.
Many international programs are outside the EU (eg CERN) and will not be directly affected by Brexit.
But ITER is associated with the EU.
Videos of plasma inside JET.
Insides of JET remade with beryllium.
Running on a mixture of deuterium and tritium.
Science - Jun-17 - news, expanding our minds.
Grid cells in the brain, layed out like a map.
Memory Palace.
Using grid cells for 2D storage of abstract info.
Using bird shapes.
Frigate birds (article link).
How far do they fly.
Solar data loggers attached to birds: heart rate, wing beat frequency, altitude, GPS.
One adult flew for 48 days straight, over 420 km.
One juvanile flew almost 2.1 months, stopping only once shortly on an island.
Using thermals and cumulus clouds.
Our trip to Durby Hill to watch migratory birds.
Naturalist with the ability to recognize the birds from far off.
Numbers posted around the hill to help in pointing out bird locations.
More from frigate bird article.
Swifts also stay up for long periods.
Sleeping patterns still unknown.
Doldrums and trade winds.
What we've been doing.
School ending.
The 2m transmitter building has been real difficult.
More Si5153 problems.
Got it working with arduino.
Charles Scharlau.
Brian DeYoung.
Some studying: logarithm functions, polar coordinates, orbits of functions.
Setting up cameras with e-mammal.
To leave set up for 3 weeks.
Farsta o-meet tomorrow; Isaac will be there.
Then Bear Island.
Recorded on 2016-07-15. Duration 25'.
Camp site 7.
We're in the tent. Thunder.
Overview of Bear Island.
Forteen camp sites.
Barrier island surrounded by marshes.
By Swansboro NC, next to Camp Lejeune.
Walking to showers.
Kelly was here in May.
Growing dune.
Wonderful low tides in the evening.
Rays, crabs.
Started with the new moon.
No headlamps.
Blue crabs.
Catching crabs.
Bird sanctuaries at each end of the island.
Angry terns.
Met ornithology intern.
Nets of nests to protect them from coyotes and racoons.
Trumpet fish.
The west end of the island.
Twisty tube shells.
Mud flasts.
Tubes sticking up from mud flats.
Knob welks, orange horse conch.
Pattern on sand on scale of meters to hundreds of meters.
Pits, little bays, branching bays, sets of bars.
Last year, the erosion was great.
Still some this year.
Foliage on side of eroded dune.
Sea oats.
American beach grass.
Geographic distribution in NC, north vs south.
Sea oats growth rate.
American beach grass putting out rhizomes.
With sea oats, there area breaks in the dunes.
Where there are breaks in the dunes, storms dump sand behind the dunes.
In south, with sea oats, the islands stay wider.
In north, with American beach grass, the islands grow thinner.
American beach grass easier to transplant.
Barrier islands migrating landward.
Barrier islands form once, during sea level rise after ice age.
There is one place where the island did catch the mainland.
Bear Island nature, less disturbed.
Patterns in nature.
Brown pelicans.
Rain gone.
Recorded on 2016-xx-xx. Duration: xx'.
Minues: [0000] Intro. [xxx] [xxx] [xxx] Outro.
The text we wrote, pictures we took, and system we used to layout our web pages are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. Link to License. This means that you can copy anything you want, use it and alter it as you want, as long as you give credit to us for the original work, provide a link to the license, and explain any changes you made. We try to make sure all other content we display is also available to use. But check the sources we list before using them.
Intro and ending music adapted from "Low Battery Blues" by Martijn de Boer (NiGiD) (c) 2014 Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial (3.0) license. http://ccmixter.org/files/NiGiD/48615